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This module consists of 5 sections and takes place over 5 days of formal instruction.

The 5 sections are:

  1. Basic Principles
  2. List & Related Problems
  3. Curves of Statical Stability
  4. Loll & Related Topics
  5. Dry Docking.

Basic Principles

  • Hydrostatics
  • Hull form & resistance to motion
  • Statical stability
  • Transverse statical stability
  • Calculation of final kg.

List & Related problems

  • List
  • Inclining experiment
  • Free surface effect.

Curves of Statical Stability

  • Curves of statical stability
  • Effect of beam & freeboard on stability.
Loll & Related Topics

  • Loll
  • Correcting an angle of loll.

Dry Docking

  • Dry docking
  • Stability information booklet
  • Longitudinal stability.

Price List
Product Name (Product Code)Price
STABILITY (M500T-STA-M-004)USD 1,270.00
