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Advanced Medical First Aid (August 2016)

We take a closer look at our advanced Medical First aid at Sea course. As seen in the pictures our students are in full action with their practicals. PYT offers a full 3 day course that offers professional instructions and covers areas such as: Principles of First Aid management on board a ship, Administering injections, Treating injuries and so much more. For more information please check out our website on for more information.

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Course Practicles

Yacht Rating Class - August group

Our August Yacht Rating class had a very interesting excursion. Our Yacht Rating lecturer Jumaine Kruger took his class to the Durban's Harbour Maritime Museum on 16 of August. The Durban Maritime Museum is one of a kind in its own right. You can walk among the vessel and go below the deck. giving the students a better understanding of what they have learnt in class. The Museum has an exhibition hall and a number of small craft. The 75-year-old Ulundi, with its coal fired engine is the oldest of the ships on display. 

Jumaine also caught our August RIB students on camera, well done to the Yacht Rating guys and girls for doing an outstanding job on your RIB practices. 

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Course Highlights

PST Practicals (August 2016)

Another PST class performing their Personal Survival Technique practicals. Our August class did really well in their exams. Well done to our STCW August group.

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Course Updates

DUR: 28 Nov - 7 Dec
CPT: 6 - 14 Sept / 13 - 21 Oct / 8 - 16 Dec

4 Week Deck Hand
DUR: 31 Oct - 25 Nov / 28 Nov - 21 Dec
CPT: 3 - 28 Oct / 21 Nov - 16 Dec

DUR: 24 - 28 Oct / 21 - 16 Dec

MoY 200 Limited
DUR: 28 Nov - 10 Dec
CPT: 31 Oct - 12 Nov

MoY 200t Unlimited
DUR: 17 - 22 Oct / 12 - 17 Dec
CPT: 26 - 30 Sept / 14 - 19 Nov

CPT: 7 Nov - 9 Dec
Please contact us for more information on DUR: 0313074992/ CPT 0636830595

Student Reviews

Fire Fighting 
Very Thorough training and great for overcoming fears of dark spaces. Team members were phenomenal. 

Great fun and informative.

Elementary First Aid
Great help and motivation. 

Elementary Seamanship
A good background into seamanship. I have definitely learnt some new and interesting things. 

Lecturers are very friendly and willing to help, they seem to be very knowledgeable. 

Yacht Rating
First week was a great balance of practical application and class learning.

Loved being on this course, it was great to have a lecturer who knew so much about the industry through her personal experience. 


Jumaine Kruger

A new face to the PYT team

PYT would like to welcome on board Jumaine Kruger who is one of our new lecturers here at PYT. Jumaine has come to PYT bringing a decade of seagoing experience on commercial ships into the classroom, so that all present and future seagoing individuals are competent and exposed to the needs required to be efficient and effective whilst on board their vessels.

Jumaine lectures STCW classes which covers Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities, Personal Survival Techniques, Fire Fighting, First Aid and Security Awareness. In addition he lectures Yacht Rating, Advanced Sea Survival, Medical First Aid as well as Celestial and Navigation (Refresher) courses.

PYT welcomes Jumaine and we know that each student will be inspired, determined and confident in managing any sort of emergency.

Main Story

Allen goes to PYT USA

Allen (PYT Officer Manager) visited the States earlier this year.

Allen got to spend one on one time with PYTUSA by introducing and helping out with their quality management systems in order to provide MCA courses to our future students in the industry.

Allen took some amazing pictures while he was in Fort Lauderdale and in New York and thought we would share them with our students.

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Course Highlights

Fire Fighting

Look at our May fire fighting students showing off their skills in their fire fighting practical course. Just another tough day in class!!!

This course is delivered over a 3 day period, it includes theory and practical elements as well as an examination. Competence is shown in both theory and practical sessions.

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Course Practicals

Personal Survival Technique Practical's

PYT June STCW group did an outstanding job in their Personal Survival Technique practical's. Each student embraced the cold icy waters and passed their practical exams.

This course includes theory and practical elements as well as a an exam. Students are required to swim 50 meters unaided and without a life jacket. Well done to all our PST students, for swimming on the coldest day in Durban.

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Course Updates

PYT Durban

  • STCW: 24 August - 2 September
  • 3 WK Stewardess: 10 - 28 October
  • 4 WK Deckhand: 5 - 30 September
  • AEC: 22 - 26 August
  • MoY 200t Limited: 11 - 23 July
  • MoY 200t Unlimited: 17 - 22 October
  • OOW 11 July - 27 August

PYT Cape Town

  • 4 WK Deckhand: 3 - 28 October
  • MoY 200t Limited: 11 - 23 July
  • MoY 200t Unlimited: 25 - 30 July
  • OOW: 11 July - 26 August

Student Reviews

Fire Fighting

  • Well co-ordinated practical.

Elementary Seamanship

  • Neil's knowledge is outstanding and he always made the lesson fun.


  • "It's just so Good"!

Yacht Rating

  • Very well presented and structured


  • An awesome experience! I have and will continue to recommend this course to many friends. Only through PYT of course.