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Standards of Training, Certification and Watch Keeping for Seafarers STCW Basic Training Module defines the training necessary for all persons employed at sea. Starting out requires the satisfactory completion of safety and security courses which is a compulsory requirement for all aspiring crew members to complete. You must be able to assist members of your team if and when the time arises. The courses are:

  • Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities (PSSR)
  • Personal Survival Techniques (PST)
  • Elementary First Aid (EFA)
  • Fire Prevention and Firefighting (FPFF)
  • Proficiency in Security Awareness (PSA) 
  • Certificates are issued on successful completion of each element.

The courses are presented monthly over a period of up to 10 working days usually commencing on a Monday and finishing the following week.

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Personal Survival Techniques


This course also includes both theory and practical elements including an examination. You must be able to swim at least 50 metres unaided and without a life jacket. You learn survival at sea techniques, rescue an "unconscious" person in the water, right a life raft and board a life raft.

Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting


This course is delivered over a 3 day period. It includes theory and practical elements as well as an examination. Fires are any crew members' worst nightmare. Your immediate reaction can save lives as well as the vessel.

You will learn the theory of fire, fight fires with hoses and extinguishers, become a member of a fire fighting team and rescue "fellow crew members" in the dark using breathing apparatus.

These are important skills and must be acquired by every crew member. Competence is shown in both theory and practical sessions.

Elementary First Aid


This course is taken over a 2 day period culminating with an examination. If you are the first on the scene of an accident you need to be able to adequately care for an injured person regardless of the circumstances.

You will become competent in CPR, patient handling, wound dressing and the splinting of fractures while receiving basic instruction in anatomy and physiology.

Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities


This course includes both theory and practical elements. You will learn about the chain of command, your rights and your employer's rights on board.

You learn the rules relating to the consumption of alcohol, smoking, drugs, conflict resolution, health and safety and other contractual issues relative to the industry that make up the balance of the course.

Competence in Security Awareness


The STCW Convention and Code as amended by the Manila Amendments (2010) requires all personnel employed or engaged onboard ships to which the ISPS Code applies to receive security awareness training.

The level of this security training is categorised as Competence in Maritime Security Awareness.

The training emphasises ship specific security issues and provides guidance for the seafarer to be able to:

  • Report a security incident, including piracy or armed robbery threat or attack
  • Know the procedures to follow when they recognise a security threat
  • Take part in a security-related emergency and/or contingency procedures

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