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PYT is your first choice MCA approved training provider.

PYT is recognised by the industry as a world class super yacht crew training academy. The savings on most of our course modules could well cover your traveling costs to South Africa.

Our value for money is hard to beat in the world of super yacht training. Our course schedule is designed to be flexible to suit super yacht crew.

Let us kick start your steps up the ladder of command.

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SAMSA CoC MASTER <200t Near Coastal

SAMSA CoC Master <200t near coastal

This level of certificate of competence certifies that the candidate has demonstrated that he/she has the knowledge necessary to skipper a motor driven commercial vessel of <200t on coastal passages, day or night, but within 150 nautical miles of the coastline.

Formal requirements to hold this qualification are:

50 days logged on board a vessel >9m at sea as an active member of the crew. A day is defined as a period of 24 consecutive hours.

3 000 miles logged on a vessel at sea. This mileage must include overnight passages and not only short day trips. At least 2 000 miles must have been completed on coastal voyages and not ocean crossings. The candidate must have spent considerable time in a position of responsibility, preferably engaged in actual vessel handling.

5 varied passages with rhumb lines of over 60 miles during two of which the candidate must have been undertaking the duties of captain or watchkeeper.

48 hours on watch at night underway as an active member of the yacht's crew. For at least six hours of this night time experience the candidate must have been acting as the vessel's captain/watch leader.

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