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IYT MASTER of YACHTS 200t Unlimited

This Certificate of Competency allows the holder to be in charge of a commercial yacht up to 200 gross tons on unlimited voyages and is one of the requirements for the MCA Chief Mate (Yachts) qualification. The certificate is a qualification that indicates that the holder has sufficient knowledge of celestial navigation to navigate globally using a sextant. This includes the ability to plan, undertake and manage an ocean passage with a comprehensive understanding of the factors involved with regard to route planning and using weather and climate information.

Qualifying experience

Prior to taking the course candidates must have undertaken either two voyages of 250 nautical miles or one voyage of 500 nautical miles of which the majority must have been out of sight of land i.e. 20 nautical miles from a shoreline. It is required that a passage plan is produced for the qualifying voyage for subsequent review during the course. Although it is strongly preferred that the passage/s be carried out prior to the course being taken, this may be done after the course if there are extenuating circumstances. This will delay the issue of a Certificate of Competence.

Candidates must hold a valid IYT Master 200t Limited Certificate of Competency or an OOW (Yachts) Certificate of Competence but no prior knowledge of celestial navigation is required.


A six-day comprehensive course on celestial navigation is aimed at equipping the candidate with sufficient knowledge of celestial navigation, use of a sextant and air navigation tables as well as to plan, undertake and manage an ocean passage.

Apart from the qualifying experience the requirements for the issue of the certificate are threefold:

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