
The world of superyachts in the Med or Caribbean is the perfect gap year or career for South Africans and awaits you - maybe. Mmmm, but are you suited to work as deck crew or as a stewardess? Do this short fun quiz and see - choose one answer for each statement/question and the quiz adds up your score for you.
Your score will tell you where you stand and what you should do to take it further.
78% to 100%
Welcome aboard! You've got what it takes - you know how to charm your way out of (and probably into) anything. You've got vision so you know what you want out of life. And cruising the glamour spots of the world working on a seriously luxurious mega-yacht is a great way to get it because after a year will see you with a bank balance getting onto 6 figures! It won't be long before everyone will want to rub shoulders with you.
52% to 77%
Tricky, huh? OK so a bit of attitude is not a bad thing at the right time and place. We can work with that. It also looks like you're still having so much fun that you haven't thought further than the next party. Well here's your chance to spend a year having an awesome time while you mature (Ed. Is that possible?). (Doc. Sure - give them a break!) Yes it's hard work but with your energy and special sense of fun and adventure you should love it and find out what you want to do in life - which may be to spend the next few years cruising around the world making big bucks.
28% to 51%
Swak! Lots of work to do here and still touch and go if you scored in the low twenties. Maybe do a personality course and try again? Just kidding! Ok here's the deal about life in one sentence: when you work for someone you basically have to smile and do because 99% of the time there is no reason to do otherwise. I liked the bit of sense of humour though. Go on, smile, take a deep breath and try again. Maybe you just started the day bad.
0% to 27%
Wooow!! Have you seen someone about those feelings? Get a physical job to express all that anger… maybe a bricklayer or tattoo artist - but I won't be using you. Whatever you do don't go into the hospitality business on a mega-yacht. Besides, it's a long way to swim back to shore if you hate the company. Specially if you can't swim. Like the teacher says - you need to try harder!