
MASTER 3 000t
To qualify for issue of this Certificate of Competence the candidate must meet all of the following requirements:
A minimum of 24 months Onboard yacht service as a Deck Officer, including not less than 240 days Watchkeeping service whilst holding an accepted OOW STCW Reg. II/1 (Yachts less than 3000gt) CoC. All of this service must be completed in vessels 15m or over in loadline length and include 12 months in vessels of 24m or over in load line length, or six months in vessels of 500gt or more.
Hold a certificate of Proficiency for Person in Charge of Medical Care on Board Ship (STCW A-VI/4-2).
Hold either a MCA Master STCW Reg. II/2 (Yachts less than 500gt) or have passed all written examinations and short courses required for issue of that certificate.
Note: As training modules pass certificates are valid for three years, candidates are advised to obtain the MCA Master (Yachts less than 500gt) CoC where circumstances may preclude them from attempting the Master (Yachts less than 3 000gt) oral examination before the modules expire.
Pass the Master (Yachts less than 3 000gt) oral examination.