
Colin Schwegman
Colin focuses on the academic issues and is the principal of the academy. He is in overall charge of the training combining a wealth of academic and technical sailing experience.
Colin was headmaster of a Senior Primary School near Durban before turning his interests to the super yacht industry. He has sailed in many parts of the world, with two Atlantic crossings among many other voyages to his credit. He started sailing dinghies as a six year old and progressed to ocean going yachts over a career spanning more than forty years.
He enjoys teaching students who are prepared to listen and learn. Student comments include, "A very charismatic lecturer. He kept everyone entertained during a whole day of lecturing."...."Colin keeps the students interested and well entertained."
Colin's NTSD Teaching Diploma, MCA Yachtmaster Instructor qualifications (earned at Fort Lauderdale), an unnerving frankness and honesty and the wisdom of age keeps the academy's instructors on their toes and will help prepare you for a career in the super yacht industry.